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At Cohesive Healthcare

We strive to make a difference by giving each of our facilities all the support and resources they need to provide the best care possible. Working primarily with critical access hospitals and rural clinics, we believe that as a team we can turn a struggling hospital into a thriving resource for healthcare for their community. Growth is a large part of our company right now. As we continue to expand and take on more facilities, our workforce is growing. This growth creates opportunities for advancement within our workforce and multiple positions for those looking to join a great team!

Benefits our Employees Love

Working at Cohesive Healthcare comes with a lot of perks. We work to create a supportive and nurturing environment. It’s important to us that our employees maintain a healthy work-life balance. The happier our employees are, the better they are able to do their jobs.

  • Competitive pay scale
  • Health, dental, and vision insurance
  • 401k plan with match
  • Life and disability insurance
  • 4 weeks paid time off
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